Weeks of training complete: 11 weeks, 2 days
Time until Ironman: 20 weeks, 5 days
Miles swam: 39.2
Miles biked: 499.85
Miles run: 160.31
Goal: $5,000
Total money raised: $270
I'll bebrief today; just wanted to let everybody know I hadn't forgotten about the blog. I'm on vacation this week and just trying to limit my time connected to the computer.
Some things that have been going on: Went on a weekend trip with my family, our friends Eric and Kelli and their boys and Ryan and Steph to a cabin in Spring Valley. This is a beautiful, incredibly secluded place where the only thing for miles is pretty much you. This is a pic from the trip.
Beckett has been learning to swim and he's getting quite good. He can swim underwater on his own now without assistance from people or floaties. Awesome.
I've been doing a lot of work around the house. For those of you who know how long the patio has taken to complete ... it's almost done. I hung the finished the sanding and painting (with help from Heidi) and hung the fans. In fact, I'm going to enjoy a cocktail out there right now.
To donate to my cause, click here. Please be sure to send me an e-mail to ed@ecollegetimes.com to let me know the amount, so I can record it in the blog.
Talk soon,
I want a picture of the patio...and did you throw any tools out in the backyard when you were finishing it up? :P
How'd you guys get such cute kids :)
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