Weeks of training complete: 26 weeks, 3 days
Time remaining until Ironman: 5 weeks, 4 days
Miles swam: 113.955
Miles biked: 1,926.62
Miles run: 461.77
Goal: $5,000
Total raised: $2,440
The Dow dropped 7.7 percent today. I sprung for some good beer - Newcastle and Sierra Nevada. And I paid full price - at a convienience store. Call it an act of economic rebellion. Recessionary pressures, be damned. I'm goin' out and droppin' $16 on two six-packs. Take that you silly old 1.2 percent drop in consumer spending.
And, I'm drinkin' them like a 2006 American hell bent on spending 101.6 percent of their income, ensuring that their net savings is -1.6 percent.
I'm kickin' it old school today and there's nothing Suze Orman and her practical "have eight months of income saved" mantra can do about it.
The only thing I'm missing is an H2 Hummer, a $750 pair of jeans and a $12 martini. Alas, we can't have everything.
Today I biked. Today I swam. Today I played video games while I biked. I'm stuck with the 2005 version of ESPN 2K football, so instead of just being bad, the Cardinals really suck in that game. I played New England today and 40 percent of my passes were intercepted. It's kind of hard to win that way.
I'm actually starting to get back on track with most aspects of my life. I feel busy, but not overwhelmed - pretty amazing considering I'm right in the middle of the most intense training period of the Ironman race prep. This week, I'll work out 20 hours, next week 20 hours, 30 minutes and the following week 21 hours. Then, the taper down begins.
I'll be so glad when this race is over. What will it be like to have 20 hours of free time returned to me life?
I'm gonna' feel like a rich man ... far richer than two $8 six-packs will make a man feel.
- Ed
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