Weeks of training complete: 16 weeks, 6 days
Time until Ironman: 15 weeks, 1 day
Miles swam: 64.302
Miles biked: 895.62
Miles run: 242.24
Goal: $5,000
Total money raised: $720
Today I banged off the biggest ride of the training yet - a 4,500 calorie eating 60 mile bike ride followed by a quick 3 mile run - and I was exhausted; absolutely fried. Got up at 4:30 a.m. and was on the road by 4:45 a.m. And here it is, almost 8 p.m., and a trip to the train park with the kids, the grocery store, the department store, a birthday party and two meals, here I am, waiting for Beck to finish pooping so I can finally, finally have just a few minutes of rest before I get up tomorrow morning and bike 12 miles and run close to 10 ...
... Last night, sitting on the couch with Heidi, I bragged - I can do this Ironman right now. I'm ready. Tomorrow. Well, let me recant that statement. I am not ready. Today's workout ran me ragged. I've got much work to do to prepare for the Iron distance. I am so tired the thought of tomorrow's work out scares me. But I'll push on.
On a more inspiring note, my cousin Karen donated to the cause today. Karen - it's always nice to hear from you. Thank you for thinking of me and for helping out. It means more than you can possibly imagine and helps me to get up tomorrow and push through another day of training. I'd write more, now, but I'm so tired and I have to pack for tomorrow's work out. Until next time ...
- Ed
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