Weeks of training complete: 19 weeks, 1 days
Weeks until Ironman: 12 weeks, 6 days
Miles swam: 77.79
Miles biked: 1,180.51
Miles run: 301.01
Total raised: $795
Sorry for the delay in blog posts. I've been having major computer problems at home. My 18 month old Dell Dimension 5150 has developed what many computer forums have deemed the "Blinking Amber Light of Death," a bizzare undiaganosable problem that may be any of the following: a damaged power supply unit, a bad motherboard, a bad 5v on/off control on the front of the computer, damaged USB ports or some other lesser referenced problem.
Whenever the power goes out, Dude the Dell goes out, too. And he doesn't restart, sometimes for days. Then for no apparent good reason, he starts up again. Often after I kick him.
He is, obviously, now restarted.
Dude, I'm never getting another Dell.
While the computer was out, I hooked up an old computer. The anti-virus software in it was so old, it got a crippling virus then totally fried the thing out within 36 hours of plugging it back in. So I've been sort of off-line at home for a while.
On top of that, we're just busy everywhere – at work, at home, in training. Time is short, short, short. I've been meaning to send out an invite for the charity Bocce tournament on 9/27 and I can't even make time to do that. Hopefully tomorrow.
Yesterday the only time I had to mow the lawn was 3 p.m. It was 108. I came inside seeing stars with a dehydration headache. Yay!
Actually, though, all is moving along nicely. I complete a 56-mile bike ride in 3 hours and 20 minutes on Saturday. Not too bad for me. Of course, I needed a nap immediately following that feat.
I must go now. I have to get up at 4:45 a.m. and swim 3,000 meters.
Eyes are heavy.
Sun Devil football starts Saturday. Excited. Got my season tickets again. Will rearrange training schedule to watch football. Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed.
- Ed
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