Weeks of training complete: 18 weeks, 2 days
Weeks until Ironman: 13 weeks, 5 days
Miles swam: 72.138
Miles biked: 1,046.52
Miles run: 282.3
Fundraising goal: $5,000
Raised to date: $795
I sprinted for 18 minutes today.
You should try that sometime. It's a great way to start your day – coupled with an 1.884 mile swim and 4 miles of additional running on top of the sprint. It's all about conditioning the body to deal with adversity on race day.
It also makes you feel comatose for the entire workday. Good times.
Beck's grandpa and I took him to a baseball game today. Pretty awesome. We gave him the full baseball "experience." This, of course, involved a beer at the bar (a Shirley Temple for him) and tailgating before the game. His grandpa Ed and I bought beer and he got a root beer and we picked up a pizza, then we set up a table and chairs in the back of grandpa's truck and hung out for an hour before we went inside. It was awesome; Beck chilled and told us about his day. And inside, he just hung out and chewed sunflower seeds.
It's closing on 10:30 p.m. and I've got to get up early again tomorrow. So much do to, so little time. I can barely keep my eyes open.
But before I go, I've got to throw a huge thank you to my friends Heather and Mark, who stepped up with a nice donation today towards the cause. Been thinking about you guys a lot; hoping I can somehow see the both of you before the end of the year. It'll be tough, I know, but I want to try. Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping out. As you know, it inspires me to keep going ... makes me feel like I have to keep going.
So thanks, guys.
Good night, all.
Until next time,
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