Weeks of training complete: 30 weeks, 3 days
Miles swam: 124.451
Goal: $5,000
I've tried, numerous times over the last couple weeks and months, to make sense of the times we live in.
I understand this much: it is impossible to understand the moment you're living in while you're living in it.
But just because we know individual moments or days are important, we still don't know what they mean.
The latter half of 2008 has been such a bizarre, chaotic time. The highs are very high; the lows very low. It's like the world is in a very unstable cosmic shift and it's debating which end of the equilibrium to end itself on.
If that sounds too abstract, let me spell it out. My family's life mirrors the stuff you hear on the radio. The job loss; the fear about making the mortgage; the financial stress; the job search; the looming sense of uncertainty; the anger about the financial industry; the bailout; the hope that better days are ahead, but the fear that it will get much, much worse before it gets better.
But there's just no way to know.
Because we have no spending cash, Heidi and I sit at home each night and try to talk our way through this new reality, wondering what it all means for us, our family, our aching desire to stay in this place which feels like home in our the deepest part of our guts.
But there's just no way to know.
I try to think back to the way I felt after the 9/11 attacks. I remember the fear; the uncertainty. And I know we made it through that.
And I know we'll make it through this.
But what's happening now is slow, and painful, and very, very drawn out. There is no line in the sand marked "bottom," there is no clear turn-around point ... just a lot of uncertainty.
Older readers may laugh, but my generation has never really faced as silent of killer as the "deep recession." So naturally, we - and therefore, I - know not what to make of it all.
So forgive me if I seem melodramatic. All I've know are opportunities everywhere. And now the world I know is people with college degrees applying for bus driver jobs.
Talk about a quick shift in the course of 12 months.
The trick is to not get caught up in the 'illusion.' I know that's easy to say, but it truly is a test of one's soul to let go and trust the universe that everything will be OK. Even if everything isn't OK, everything will be OK. Everything is temporary. Good news, bad news ... temporary.
All we really need is air to breath, food to eat, some form of shelter and good companionship. Everything else doesn't really matter. Seriously.
I know to most people this sounds like mumbo jumbo, but it is the truth.
The past and future don't exist. Everyone lives in the here and now.
Thoughts and decisions made from past thoughts and decisions decide our possible futures, but all those thoughts and decisions are made in the present moment.
Yes, I know, I am crazy.
The glorious thing is that I don't care ....
Your not caring about sounding crazy Eric, is the most optimistic thing I have read in I think forever. It is like a strange combination of faith and trust in existence itself.
I feel better
Electa is crazy. Don't listen to her. Both of you are bonkers.
No Eric is wise...I think Im going to join a cult and we will worship Eric
Please don't ... HA HA HA!
That would be a huge mistake.
But I'm sure you know that which is why you said it in jest.
Don't 'follow' anyone but yourself.
The trick is finding your bliss .... then having the courage to follow it where it leads you.
Have a good weekend of training.
Only 15 more days, then the glory ...
PS - my word verification was inness - "in" ness. That seems somehow appropriate in a zen type of way.
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